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Teresa Laiz 🇪🇸 Spain
Teresa Laiz (Madrid, 1966) Dancer, Teacher, Composer and Castanets Soloist. Director/Founder of the International Castanets Festival. Member of the International Dance Council CID - UNESCO. Orchestra and Band Conducting Studies. Degree in English Philology. Doctoral Courses in Linguistics. Master in Personnel Management. After teaching and performing as a Flamenco dancer, she began her career as a castanets soloist in 2006 composing her own Castanets scores, offering concerts, teaching and writing her own Castanets Method. Discography “Repicando el Alma” (2007). Participation in the Soundtrack of the film The Man Who Killed Don Quixote by Roque Baños, directed by Terry Gilliam 2018.
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