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Season 2023-24 AWARDS

Visit CIMA Website

Album Production and Distribution Contract

Cicerone MA Streams
Independent Label for Publishing and Distributing
Classical, Blues & Jazz Music is sponsoring 

THREE Album Publication Awards 

For the Top Participants who receive the title of the 

Artist of the 2023-24 Season

Winners are to be selected from the pool of musicians - participants in the 2023-24 season of Sound Espressivo and collaborative Competitions and Auditions. 

Prize Winners will be invited to Italy for a recording session at one of Cicerone professional recording Studios. 

Worldwide Album distribution contract.

Visit Price Promotions Website

The Price Award

Premium international Artist management service for a rising performing artist in development stage of career

Visit AdlerOaks Website

James Adler Audience Favorite Awards

James Adler and the AdlerOaks Library are sponsoring Awards for Pianists and Composers. 

Audience members are invited to vote for their favorite musician on the Laureate Gala program. The Winners are announced based on the number of votes received.

James Adler Audience Favorite Awards will be presented throughout 2023-24 season - $250 each

J&S Honorable Mention Awards - $100 each

Visit TMSC Website

Four Scholarships to attend Talent Summer Music Courses Festival 2024

Sound Espressivo and Pianist Avguste Antonov are sponsoring Awards to Pianists. 

To be considered for this Award, Candidates must fill out Letter of Intent Form attached.

Four Full Scholarships will be awarded to selected Winners:

Rachmaninoff Auditions - Two Scholarships

Artistic Categories Lyrical and Virtuosity - One Scholarship will be awarded in each of these Auditions

Visit VCHS Website

Virtual Concert, Broadcast Worldwide

Virtual Concert Halls sponsors Performance Awards for the Laureates and Winners Auditions and Competitions organized by Sound Epsressivo and partner companies

Selected Laureates will be awarded a production of a personal Virtual Solo Recital.

Selected Winners will be awarded participation in Virtual Concerts.

Visit Laureate Gala Page

Laureates Gala Sponsorship

Laureate Gala will sponsor a limited number of Awards to soloists, piano, instrumental and vocal, for a performance at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. 

These Awards are provided by progressive Musicians and Virtual Concert Halls. The Award includes a fully sponsored performance on the Gala program of up to 5 minutes, plus:

  • A Carnegie Hall Archival DIGITAL VIDEO of  performance (see Regulations for acceptable uses as per by Carnegie Hall rules)

  • Medals; Certificates

  • Full color brochure (digital and printed)

  • Complimentary tickets

  • Winners will be interviewed by Steve Robinson, a world renowned producer of classical music radio shows

  • Photos

Visit GERS website

Bach GERS Cello Scholarship Award

Two Full Cello Scholarships (each is worth ca. $500)

Online Summer Cello Master Classes will be awarded to the best cello finalists of the Sound Espressivo Competitions and Auditions 2023-24. These Scholarships are made possible curtesy and through the generosity of Czech Cellist František Brikcius and the BACH FESTIVAL GERS 

Visit BTDA Website

Brilliant Talent Discovery Awards

Two Scholarship for any instrumentalists to take part in immersive cultural tour in Europe 

Dates TBD


Details TBC

Two Scholarships for Pianists

  • Masterclasses with professors in one of the leading music institutions in Germany

  • Performance opportunity in one of the castles/venues (again, details TBC)

  • Dedicated cultural tour/itinerary that involves visits to various cultural sites, concerts and/or opera theatres

Visit iClassical Website

Recognition Award

iClassical Academy provides Recognition Awards to Winners and Participants of Sound Espressivo Auditions and Competitions

"We believe that anyone, at any time, should have access to the wonderfully beautiful world of music

Our mission is to provide new generations of musicians, from any part of the world, the possibility to improve their skills and enjoy a wide audience"

iClassical Academy is based in Switzerland and works with clients globally.

Visit The fearless Artist Mastermind Website

Career Coaching

A six month membership to Fast Forward, from The Fearless Artist Mastermind

Our membership for classical musicians at The Fearless Artist Mastermind will allow you to meet musicians from around the world who understand you and the unique challenges you face on a daily basis. You'll be included in our amazing community and get feedback on your most important career topics to help propel you forwards. With twice a month Zoom calls and an active community on Slack, you'll also be able to set clear goals and get the accountability you need to reach them. 

The Fearless Artist Mastermind is based in Netherlands and works with clients globally

Visit WFCF website

Walham Forest Cello Scholarship Award

Two Full Cello Scholarships (each is worth ca. $500)

Online Summer Cello Master Classes will be awarded to the best cello finalists of the Sound Espressivo Competitions and Auditions 2023-24. These Scholarships are made possible curtesy and through the generosity of Czech Cellist František Brikcius and the WALTHAM FOREST CELLO FEST in London.

Visit Colburn School Website

Colburn School

Colburn School will sponsor a Scholarship for One Pianist, to attend the Colburn Summer Seminar, dates TBD

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